Сезон: 2, Эпизод: 7 (Индия)

Эпизод 7

Stunt 13 - Stunt one of the day was a time based partnered stunt. Both the partners had to criss -cross on ropes which were tied parallel to each other at the bottom of an airborne chopper.. The stunt was to collect as many flags. This one, though it looked easy, was not. Rupali was the first to go to perform the stunt and was the least successful in finishing the stunt.. Jesse’s partner, Sandeep and Sonika’s Partner, Janice also failed to maintain their grip.

Stunt 14 - In the second stunt the partners had to collect pieces of a flag and one by one hoist it on top of the truck. Sonika and Janice were the first ones to go. Shveta’s partner Ali, took a very long time to get started and could not finish the stunt. Jesse and Sandeep had a mishap and could not complete the stunt. Rupali and Sandeep changed their strategy at the last minute and they had to leave the game.

Дата эфира: 2009-09-16
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